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Slick Juice  is Too Fresh's own liquid blend of colorants for making soft plastic baits. Slick Juice was created in a liquid form to allow for a more precise measurment while being added to any clear plastic. 

It can be mixed with glitter, pearls, hi lites, as well as fluorescent colors.


How to use:

We recommend that plastic be heated to 370 degress before adding Slick juice.

Shake Slick Juice for at 30 seconds to mix colorant. Add the desired amount of colorant ( 30-40 drops per 1/2 cup) to hot plastic and thouroughly stir to begin the mixing process. As the colorant may tend to cool down the plastic, we advise  reheating the plastic to 370 degress and stirring again to ensure that colorant completly dissolves. 

Add glitters, fluorescents, etc. to taste.


Each 2oz. bottle of "Fresh Glow" should make between 15-16 cups of plastic.



Slick Juice : Fresh Glow Green 2oz.

SKU: 003X2OZ
Excluding Sales Tax
  • Store in room temperature.

    Do not refridgerate.

    Ensure that cap is closed after each use.

    Do not ingest and keep out of reach of children.


  • Each bottle of Slick Juice if hand made and poured once an order is placed. More orders are filled and shipped witin 5-7 work days form the date of the order. Once the order is comple, you will receive a notification. Tracking numbers will be added to the order once it has beem shipped.

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